Art – Organiq

A few works from my internship / job at Organiq, a Rotterdam-based gamification company. It's an amazing company that uses gamification to teach and help people of all ages.

line art by Jimmy de Meza

Fix Je Risk is a game used to teach children about insurance. During this project I got to do the coloring of about 23 large illustrations and design some icons (The lineart was done by Jimmy de Meza).

Zevensprong a game that teaches spelling and grammar to children. Here I helped with the creation of assets for in the game. This was during my internship and they even gave me the opportunity to learn 3DsMax and create some 3D-assets.

The game Muzicool lets children learn how to read sheet music. In the image above you can see some concept art I did for this game.

Some Icons I made during the internship